Sunday 9 June 2013

Treating Depression

8 Tips to Help You Stay on Track While Treating Your Depression


Taking care of yourself is an important part of getting better. Feeling the way you do now didn't happen overnight. Feeling better takes time, too. The following tips may not be right for everyone, so work with your doctor to determine what may work best for you. Remember, as you work on developing new, healthy habits, keep your doctor up-to-date on your progress.

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." – Abraham Lincoln

Tip #1: Stay Active

Exercise might seem too hard, so start small. Try a short walk or do a little gardening, for example. Talk with your doctor about what you both think could be an appropriate exercise routine.

Tip #2: Eat Healthier Foods

The food you eat is the fuel that runs your body. Work with your doctor to determine an appropriate goal before you change your eating habits. Also, consider asking a friend or family member to help you with shopping or cooking.

Tip #3: Get a Good Night’s Rest

Not getting enough rest can affect other parts of your life. Try developing good sleeping habits, such as limiting caffeine (especially later in the day) and trying to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, which can make a big difference.

Tip #4: Do Something Fun Each Day

Knowing that you'll be doing crossword puzzles, sketching, gardening, painting, or reading your favorite book will give you something fun to look forward to every day.

Tip #5: Defer Big Decisions

Some experts suggest putting off major decisions until depression has begun to substantially improve.

Tip #6: Manage Your Stress Level

Be mindful of taking on too many commitments. Getting well takes time. Take it easy on yourself in the meantime.

Tip # 7: Interrupt Negative Thinking

When you start to have a negative thought, try distracting yourself with a positive action. This can be anything — making a cup of tea, turning on the radio, or calling a friend.

Tip #8: Expand Your Support Network

When you're depressed, having a support system to lean on can make things a bit easier. Friends and family can help you do things when you're not well, such as making and keeping doctor's appointments. Sometimes the people close to you will notice changes in your mood before you do, so don't be afraid to ask for input — and help with everyday tasks when you need it.

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